Sunday, October 3, 2010


Welcome to my WYD Blog.
I am King Colosus, you will know me as the operator of the GLOBAL acadamy.

In this wonderful blog I will post information, answer your questions and discuss anything about WYD.
I will talk about the latest events and how to join them.
I will talk about the GLOBAL Academy, what goes on in our fine group and what we do.
I will answer any of your question you may need answered.
I will also just have some fun general chat about WYD or anything under the sun.

Please be aware, this is my first blog I have ever made and run so I will be getting my friend "KiwiMan (you may know him, he used to play WYD and has plenty of knowledge so from time to time he may answer some of your questions as well) to help me, he will just be doing some small bits and pieces to aid me in making sure this will become an incredible section of the internet.

Please feel free to leave comments and post suggestions about what we should talk about here in "King Colosus's WYD Extravaganza"
If you have any questions feel free to ask them too!

1 comment:

  1. Good work on getting you're blog up.. I will help you wherever possible and congratulations on gaining "Operator" status of the USA Academy.
    I have not played WYD actively for a while but I still know my stuff, if anyone has any questions I will be sure to help you answer them.
